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Insecurity kills all that's beautiful






Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful
Insecurity kills all that's beautiful

During this period we had to choose between one of the four branches we worked with during the first period. I chose to work with the interpretive branch. Interpretive photographs seek to explain how things are. They are personal and subjective interpretations. At the beginning of the project I started with the topic body image but it changed quite fast into Body Dismorphic Disorder. I cannot remember how I found out about this disorder but I got really interested in it. During this project I did a lot of research and tried to think in different ways.


There are a lot of people who struggle with body image. I also have a lot of trouble loving my(self ) body. People look at each other and wish they looked more like that person. Friends and family always support you and tell you that you are perfect the way you are and that you don’t need to change but you may not see yourself that way. It can take a long time before you start to love yourself. For people with BDD the struggle is way worse. They think about their real or perceived flaws for hours each day. Their negative thoughts may cause severe emotional distress and interfere with their daily functioning.


I could really find myself in a lot of this so I started experimented a lot during this period. I saw this quote `Insecurity kills all that is beautiful ́and because of this quote I started experimenting with flowers (I think flowers are one of the most beautiful things on this planet). The flowers in this case represent people with BDD. I experimented in different ways with them. Some are very distorted and others might even look “normal”. By doing this I tried to make the quote very literal and try to make visual how people with BDD might feel and see themselves.

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